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Adobe JWT Connection

The following guide will show you how to add an Adobe JWT Connection to your Lumar account.

Creating an Adobe JWT Connection​

To connect your Lumar account to an Adobe Analytics project:

  1. Add Service Account (JWT) credentials to your Adobe Analytics project on the Adobe Developer Console (
  2. Once the Service Account (JWT) credentials are generated, copy the following properties:
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Technical Account ID
  • Organization ID
  • Private Key (copy the full value of the private key, including header and footer, if present)
  1. Use the values as inputs of a createAdobeJwtConnection mutation:
mutation CreateAdobeJwtConnection($clientId: String!, $clientSecret: String!, $orgId: String!, $privateKey: String!, $technicalAccountId: String!) {
input: {clientId: $clientId, clientSecret: $clientSecret, orgId: $orgId, privateKey: $privateKey, technicalAccountId: $technicalAccountId}
) {
adobeJwtConnection {

Try in explorer

Deleting an Adobe JWT Connection​

An existing Adobe JTW connection can be deleted via deleteAdobeJwtConnection mutation:

mutation DeleteAdobeJwtConnection($adobeJwtConnectionId: ObjectID!) {
deleteAdobeJwtConnection(input: {adobeJwtConnectionId: $adobeJwtConnectionId}) {
adobeJwtConnection {

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