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An unauthenticated user can use only a handful of public mutations and queries. To gain more access, session token needs to be created and used.

Creating API user key​

To generate API user key you can do that at Analytics Hub or after logging into API you can use GraphQL API.

mutation GenerateUserKey {
createUserKey {

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Obtain session token using API user key and secret token​

mutation LoginWithUserKey($secret: String!, $userKeyId: ObjectID!) {
createSessionUsingUserKey(input: { userKeyId: $userKeyId, secret: $secret }) {

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Using session token​

After signing in you will receive session token that will be valid for 30 days. To authenticate requests to the API send session token in HTTP header x-auth-token value.

curl -H "x-auth-token: <session token>" -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw '{"query": "{version}"}'

Passing invalid session token will result in 401 error.