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Webhook Notifications

Webhook notifications can be requested on completion of events (Crawl finished, Role changed, ...).

The webhook payload contains event-specific data useful to build custom notifications.

Webhook notifications schemas​

Callback Failed
eventType: "callback-failed";
eventData: {
* Project ID
projectId: number;
* User's firstName if the notification is being sent to a User.
firstName: string | null;
* User's lastName if the notification is being sent to a User.
lastName: string | null;
* Project's name.
projectName: string;
* URL to edit Project settings, pointing at step 4.
projectSettingsLink: string;
* Project's sitePrimary.
sitePrimary: string;
* HTTP status for the failed callback response, if available.
status: number | null;
* Lumar Account ID
accountId: number;
* Account ID on SSO Client
ssoClientAccountId: string;
Crawl Finished
eventType: "crawl-finished";
eventData: {
* Crawl ID
crawlId: number;
* Formatted Crawl's crawlingAt timestamp in the Account's timezone.
* @example "Nov 23, 2021 01:03PM"
crawlingAt: string;
* User interface URL leading to the /accounts/:accountId/projects/:projectId/crawls/:crawlId page, if the notification is being
* sent to the Crawl createdByUser. Sharelink otherwise.
crawlUrl: string;
* Crawl createdByUser's firstName if the notification is being sent to that User.
firstName: string | null;
* Crawl createdByUser's lastName if the notification is being sent to that User.
lastName: string | null;
* Crawl Project's name.
projectName: string;
* Crawl Project's sitePrimary.
sitePrimary: string;
* Number of URLs crawled
totalSteps: string;
* Lumar Account ID
accountId: number;
* Account ID on SSO Client
ssoClientAccountId: string;
Crawl Paused (Credits)
eventType: "crawl-paused-credits";
eventData: {
* Crawl ID
crawlId: number;
* Formatted time when autofinalize will occur if no action is taken by the User.
* Should be 72 hours in the future at the time the notification is being sent.
* @example "Nov 23, 2021 01:03PM"
autoFinalizeAt: string;
* User interface URL leading to the /accounts/:accountId/projects/:projectId/crawls page.
crawlUrl: string;
* Crawl createdByUser's firstName if the notification is being sent to that User.
firstName: string | null;
* Crawl createdByUser's lastName if the notification is being sent to that User.
lastName: string | null;
* Crawl Project's name.
projectName: string;
* Crawl Project's sitePrimary.
sitePrimary: string;
* User interface URL leading to the /subscription page.
subscriptionUrl: string;
* Lumar Account ID
accountId: number;
* Account ID on SSO Client
ssoClientAccountId: string;
Crawl Paused (Limits)
eventType: "crawl-paused-limits";
eventData: {
* Crawl ID
crawlId: number;
* Formatted time when autofinalize will occur if no action is taken by the User.
* Should be 72 hours in the future at the time the notification is being sent.
* @example "Nov 23, 2021 01:03PM"
autoFinalizeAt: string;
* Formatted Crawl's crawlingAt timestamp in the Account's timezone.
* @example "Nov 23, 2021 01:03PM"
crawlingAt: string;
* User interface URL leading to the /accounts/:accountId/projects/:projectId/crawls page.
crawlUrl: string;
* Crawl createdByUser's firstName if the notification is being sent to that User.
firstName: string | null;
* Crawl createdByUser's lastName if the notification is being sent to that User.
lastName: string | null;
* Crawl Project's name.
projectName: string;
* Crawl Project's sitePrimary.
sitePrimary: string;
* Sum of ShelveCrawlStat's progress across all levels.
* The number is formatted with thousands grouped.
* @example "12,345,678"
totalSteps: string;
* Lumar Account ID
accountId: number;
* Account ID on SSO Client
ssoClientAccountId: string;
Role Changed
eventType: "role-changed";
eventData: {
* Account name
accountName: string;
* Admin user's email
adminEmail: string;
* Admin user's first name
adminFirstName: string;
* Admin user's last name
adminLastName: string;
* User's first name
firstName: string | null;
* User's first name
lastName: string | null;
* New Role name
newRoleName: string;
* Lumar Account ID
accountId: number;
* Account ID on SSO Client
ssoClientAccountId: string;
Scheduled Crawl Failed (Active Projects Limit)
eventType: "scheduled-crawl-failed-active-projects-limit";
eventData: {
* Project ID
projectId: number;
* User interface URL leading to the /accounts/:accountId/projects/:projectId/crawls page.
crawlsUrl: string;
* User's firstName if the notification is being sent to a User.
firstName: string | null;
* User's lastName if the notification is being sent to a User.
lastName: string | null;
* Project's name.
projectName: string;
* Project's sitePrimary.
sitePrimary: string;
* User interface URL leading to the /subscription page.
subscriptionUrl: string;
* Lumar Account ID
accountId: number;
* Account ID on SSO Client
ssoClientAccountId: string;
Scheduled Crawl Failed (Analytics)
eventType: "scheduled-crawl-failed-analytics";
eventData: {
* Project ID
projectId: number;
* User interface URL leading to the /accounts/:accountId/projects/:projectId/crawls page.
crawlsUrl: string;
* User's firstName if the notification is being sent to a User.
firstName: string | null;
* User's lastName if the notification is being sent to a User.
lastName: string | null;
* Project's name.
projectName: string;
* Project's sitePrimary.
sitePrimary: string;
* Lumar Account ID
accountId: number;
* Account ID on SSO Client
ssoClientAccountId: string;
Scheduled Crawl Failed (Crawl Running)
eventType: "scheduled-crawl-failed-crawl-running";
eventData: {
* Project ID
projectId: number;
* Crawl ID
crawlId: number | null;
* User interface URL leading to the /accounts/:accountId/projects/:projectId/crawls/:crawlId page.
crawlUrl: string;
* User's firstName if the notification is being sent to a User.
firstName: string | null;
* User's lastName if the notification is being sent to a User.
lastName: string | null;
* Project's name.
projectName: string;
* Project's sitePrimary.
sitePrimary: string;
* Lumar Account ID
accountId: number;
* Account ID on SSO Client
ssoClientAccountId: string;
Legacy Tasks Created
eventType: "legacy-tasks-created;
eventData: {
action: "created";
dashboardUrl: string;
greetingName: string | null;
legacyTasks: {
assignedTo: string[] | null;
category: string | null;
createdAt: string;
deadlineAt: string | null;
description: string | null;
fixedAt: string | null;
identified: number | null;
priority: string;
priorityColor: string;
remaining: number | null;
remainingColor: string | null;
reportLink: string | null;
title: string;
trendGraph: string | null;
projectName: string;
* Lumar Account ID
accountId: number;
* Account ID on SSO Client
ssoClientAccountId: string;
Legacy Tasks Updated
eventType: "legacy-tasks-updated;
eventData: {
action: "updated";
dashboardUrl: string;
greetingName: string | null;
legacyTasks: {
assignedTo: string[] | null;
category: string | null;
createdAt: string;
deadlineAt: string | null;
description: string | null;
fixedAt: string | null;
identified: number | null;
priority: string;
priorityColor: string;
remaining: number | null;
remainingColor: string | null;
reportLink: string | null;
title: string;
trendGraph: string | null;
projectName: string;
* Lumar Account ID
accountId: number;
* Account ID on SSO Client
ssoClientAccountId: string;