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Sitemaps with >50,000 URLs

Sitemaps included in the crawl which contain more than 50,000 URLs.

Priority: Critical

Impact: Negative

What issues it may causeโ€‹

Sitemaps may contain up to 50,000 URLs, which means that all pages above this limit will be ignored.

How do you fix itโ€‹

If your sitemaps contain more than 50K URLs you should consider splitting them into smaller Sitemaps with less than 50K URLs in each.

What is the positive impactโ€‹

All the pages included in the Sitemaps can be discovered by search engines and process additional information about them such as when they were updated and/or if they have any alternate language version.

How to fetch the data for this report templateโ€‹

You will need to run a crawl for report template to generate report. When report has been generated and you have crawl id you can fetch data for the report using the following query:

query GetReportForCrawl($crawlId: ObjectID!, $reportTemplateCode: String!) {
getCrawl(id: $crawlId) {
input: {
reportTypeCodes: Basic
reportTemplateCodes: [$reportTemplateCode]
) {
rows {
nodes {
... on CrawlSitemaps {

Try in explorer