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Bitbucket Integration

In order to integrate with Bitbucket, you can either use our CLI Tools or our Shell Scripts:


How to Use (Shell Script)

In the Bitbucket Pipeline editor, add the following environment variables:

  • TEST_SUITE_ID: The ID of your Test Suite
  • AUTOMATOR_USER_KEY_ID: The key for Lumar API access
  • AUTOMATOR_USER_KEY_SECRET: The secret for Lumar API access

Then add the following step to the pipeline yaml file:

- step:
name: "Lumar Protect"
- curl -L -o ./
- chmod +x
- ./ $TEST_SUITE_ID false bitbucket-build-$BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER

The pipeline step will wait for all tests to complete and succeed if all tests passed.

Additional Shell Script Options

Lumar Protect shell script accepts the following input arguments: TEST_SUITE_ID START_ONLY CI_BUILD_ID

To make the Bitbucket pipeline trigger your Lumar Protect Test Suite without waiting for all tests to complete, set the START_ONLY argument to true:

- step:
name: "Lumar Protect"
- curl -L -o ./
- chmod +x
- ./ $TEST_SUITE_ID true bitbucket-build-$BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER

How to Use (CLI Tool)

In the Bitbucket Pipeline editor, add the following environment variables:

  • TEST_SUITE_ID: The ID of your Test Suite
  • DEEPCRAWL_TEST_USER_KEY_ID: The key for Lumar API access
  • DEEPCRAWL_TEST_USER_KEY_SECRET: The secret for Lumar API access

Then add the following step to the pipeline yaml file:

- step:
name: "Lumar Protect"
- curl -L -o ./lumar-protect
- chmod +x ./lumar-protect
- ./lumar-protect --testSuiteId=$TEST_SUITE_ID --ciBuildId=bitbucket-build-$BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER | grep -i "tests passed"
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Tests Failed"; exit 1; fi

The pipeline step will wait for all tests to complete and succeed if all tests passed.

Additional CLI Tool Options

Lumar Protect CLI tool accepts the following input parameters:

  • --testSuiteId [string] The Lumar Protect Test Suite ID.
  • --ciBuildId [string] (OPTIONAL) The corresponding build ID in your CI/CD pipeline.
  • --startOnly [boolean] (OPTIONAL) Start the Test Suite without waiting for all tests to finish.

To make the Bitbucket pipeline trigger your Lumar Protect Test Suite without waiting for all tests to complete, set the startOnly parameter to true:

- step:
name: "Lumar Protect"
- curl -L -o ./lumar-protect
- chmod +x ./lumar-protect
- ./lumar-protect --testSuiteId=$TEST_SUITE_ID --ciBuildId=bitbucket-build- --startOnly=true

See the official Lumar Protect CLI reference for the full list of parameters.