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Pages with Improperly Sized Images

Priority: Critical

Impact: Neutral

What issues it may cause

  • Increased Load Times: Large, non-responsive images can significantly slow down page load times, especially on mobile devices with slower connections.

  • Excessive Data Usage: Downloading large images that are not optimized for the user's device can lead to higher data consumption, impacting users with limited data plans.

  • Poor User Experience: Improperly sized images can cause layout shifts and rendering issues, leading to a suboptimal viewing experience.

How do you fix it

  • Use Responsive Images: Use srcset and sizes attributes to define multiple image sources and their sizes to ensure that the browser selects the most appropriate image for the current display size.

  • Use image CDN: Integrate an image content delivery network (CDN) to automatically optimize and deliver images based on the user’s device and network conditions.

  • Use vector-based image formats: Use SVG for logos, icons, and graphics to ensure images are resolution-independent and maintain quality across all screen sizes while keeping file sizes small.

Learn more about sizing images.

What is the positive impact

  • Faster Page Load Times: Using responsive images reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded, leading to quicker page load times.

  • Optimized Data Usage: Properly sized images minimize data consumption, which is especially beneficial for mobile users.

  • Improved User Experience: Responsive images ensure that content is displayed correctly across various devices, enhancing the overall user experience.

How to fetch the data for this report template

You will need to run a crawl for report template to generate report. When report has been generated and you have crawl id you can fetch data for the report using the following query:

query GetReportForCrawl($crawlId: ObjectID!, $reportTemplateCode: String!) {
getCrawl(id: $crawlId) {
input: {
reportTypeCodes: Basic
reportTemplateCodes: [$reportTemplateCode]
) {
rows {
nodes {
... on CrawlSiteSpeedAudits {

Try in explorer